welcome to Kooltong!
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WazTong has received a very favorable review from all around the world!

location CA,
United States

Lisa Turner
(Spanish, Japanese, Korean)

“The best language app!!”
This app is amazing!
Just try it.
I am on my fourth language!

location Seoul,

Soomi Park
(English, Japanese)

“So easy to learn!”
It took me just 4 months each
to speak English and Japanese.
This app is awesome!

location Manchester,
United Kingdom

Greg Smith
(Korean, Spanish)

“What an incredible app!”
I can speak two more languages not.
Thanks to this app.
This boost up my self-cofidence!

location Mexico City,

Franco Gomez
(English, Korean)

“Korean can be this easy??”
I started learning Korean after watching K-drama.
This app literally provides everything you need to speak
a foreign language.

location Osaka,

Mica Yamaguchi
(Korean, English)

“Very special app!”
Now I can speak Korean and English.
How was this possible??
Waztong made it possible!

location Canberra,

Carl Lull
(Korean, Vietnamese)

“You must try this app!”
I never saw an app that makes
a foreign language so easy to learn!
You ust try it to believe me!

WazTong offers
6 languages.

English, Spanish, Korean,
Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese.
Are you a beginner?
Then WazTong is just for you!
You will be able to speak
a new language in just 3month

through our 3 steps!

Step 1.

Not sure what to say?
Do not worry!
AI will teach you!

Step 2.

Not sure if you can speak it
in real life?
Actors are waiting in
the screen to speak to you!
It’s fun and easy!

Step 3.

We offer tests after
each session.
Do not be afraid.
Our tests are fun to take!
We are confident you will speak a new language in just 3 month!
WazTong, just try it!
You’ll know.